Saturday, April 12, 2008

All about Thailand

Thailand is a great place to visit. If I were to go again I think I would avoid Bangkok as it's so busy and congested, and you really do have to watch out for all the tourist scams the guidebooks warn you about. But the people are friendly, things are cheap, and there are many interesting things to see. 95% of the population is Buddhist and although I'm not a religious person, you can't help but respect the devotion the Thais show to their gods and all the work that goes into creating such beautiful temples. One thing I'm bummed we missed is the Songkran (Thai new year) festival that started this weekend. Songkran involves throwing a lot of water - pretty much at everyone you see - and also bathing images of the Buddha in water. It's also a time to pay respect to elders and the Buddha, but I'd totally be up for a giant water fight under the hot sun.


Jennifer Angaiak said...

Have I told you lately that I envy you? Thought it was about time, now that I've seen picture after picture after picture of your amazing travels!!!

Raché said...

Yeah, it's been pretty cool. I didn't post about in my blog earlier but Kirk broke up with me shortly after I got here so in many ways it's been a difficult trip. But the traveling has been great for sure.

Jennifer Angaiak said...

Broke up with you right after you got there? I'm pretty sure that's one of the crappiest break-up stories I have ever heard.... At least you're making the best of it and seeing that area of the world while you have the chance!

Raché said...

Oh, it gets better. I was officially dumped on Valentine's day. Go figure...