Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Public Transportation - Taipei 1, Portland 0

So I haven't ridden a bus here yet, but I have to say that Taipei has a great subway system called the MRT. The trains are very clean (there is a fine for eating or drinking on the trains) and they come about every 5 minutes or less (usually less, this morning the trains into the office were about 90 seconds apart). There are also flat panel TV's along the platforms showing news or advertisements, and the time until the next train. The best part is the price though, about 50 cents a ride if you buy a rechargeable MRT card that you touch to a sensor as you enter and exit the platforms.

Unlike the MAX in Portland, people on the MRT are fairly quiet and polite, with no one coming down off a meth high and no obnoxious teenagers yelling at each other across the train. Lines are painted on the platforms to indicated waiting areas for passengers, and people line up single file to get on the escalator (the whole stand right, walk left thing is actually followed here). It's kind of funny that no one wants to walk up the escalator so there will be a long line of people waiting to stand on the right side, with the left side of the escalator totally clear.

There is also a 220 mile high speed train line, THSR, that runs south of the city to Taichung and Kaohsiung. I haven't had a chance to ride it yet, but have heard good things.

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