Thursday, January 31, 2008

Pocari sweat

The fridge in the office here is stocked with soft drinks and one of them is a gatorade-like drink called Pocari Sweat. I had one today and it tastes fine, but the name is distracting me. What is a pocari and why does it sweat? Was some small pokemon type creature mercilessly squeezed to produce my drink? Is a pocari some sort of japanese piglet? Or maybe one of Hello Kitty's many cousins? I'm picturing a forest dwelling creature with four legs and fur, small enough to sit in the palm of your hand, and kind of cute. Hope it didn't suffer.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

That is nasty. I am quite impressed with your dare-devil attempt to try sweat in a can. Perhaps you should try to get on at that company as a marketing director. something tells me they could really use the help.